Thursday, July 24, 2008

Vacation Bible School 2008

This week, Olivia has been attending our home church's Vacation Bible School, and the theme is "Power Lab: Discovering Jesus' Miraculous Power". Well, our budding bacteriologist (She now tells us when she grows up, she not only wants to be a scientist, but she wants to specialize in the study of bacteria!) has just had a blast learning about Jesus and also about how God is the ultimate scientist. There is music, crafts, worship, games, snack, a movie, and "homework" (suggestions for good deeds) everyday. She can't wait to go each day, and we can really see her faith growing as the week progresses. We listen to the VBS music CD on the way to/from the church and even Genevieve is trying to sing the words. We are grateful for all those who have volunteered their time to make this amazing experience possible for the children. Next year when Eve is old enough for the nursery, I will be volunteering, for sure!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Noooooo! Keep Olivia away from bacteriology! Take it from two former microbiologists (and oh, so many others)- hard work for no bucks can make you cranky! Plus, it's smelly! Maybe she can do it as a hobby (like me, with my leftovers, and old cheese!). Anyway, it's fun to see what y'all are up to, when it's too hot to meet in the cul de sac!