Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Last Hurrah!

The weekend before we started our homeschooling adventure, we took a family "camping" trip to beautiful Bastrop State Park. We didn't actually tent camp in the 104 degree F heat...we're not THAT crazy! We did stay in a cozy, sandstone and pine cabin built by the CCC in 1935. My granddaddy was part of the CCC crew that built the buildings in the park, so when we hiked around the park, there was awe about it all to me as I wondered if he worked on the very cabin we were sleeping in.Despite the heat, we cooked out on the campfire...hotdogs, hamburgers, corn-on-the-cob, new potatoes, summer squash, and even mushrooms (Olivia's request)! Oh! I almost forgot about the s'mores! The chocolate bars were melted before they even touched the toasted marshmallows, but good and messy as expected.We hiked one morning and went looking for a geocache. After a couple of hours bushwacking, we aborted our quest and headed back for the picnic area. A hiker came up as we were taking our break, and it turned out he had been lost for several hours, and the park rangers were looking for him. We called the rangers and shared some oranges with him, while he waited for his wife to come pick him up. Just part of the adventure! :)

Saturday afternoon, we stayed in the park's swimming pool and ate ice cream. Now, that's what I call camping! :) Before heading home on Sunday, we went fishing, and although we didn't catch anything the girls enjoyed casting and reeling in.
All in all it was a great trip and an awesome way to spend the weekend together before we buckle down into schooling.

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